Chester Elton Takeover – Big Things Come From #SAOK
This blog is brought to you by Chester Elton – you can read this at The Gratitude Journal on LinkedIn at
Who isn’t getting worn out from the constant barrage of less-than-inspiring news? Every week there’s another natural disaster, more civil unrest, or just crazy political stories that even a year ago we would have thought impossible.
If there’s one thing my work with organizations around the world shows me, it’s that your workers are desperate for good news.
And there really is a lot of good to find out there. Every day, people are doing wonderful things for their neighbors, friends and family. If we look a little closer, we can find these small acts of kindness all around us. And better yet, we can be a part of that good news ourselves.
A few examples:

A friend of mine said that her company just sent her an Uber Eats certificate for a free lunch, just to say thank you for all the good work she was doing from home. Her bosses knew she was keeping up her productivity and responsiveness, all while home schooling her two little kids. They wanted her to know they recognized and appreciated the extra effort she was making, and that small act went a long way to keeping her spirits up.
Another friend in Canada mentioned that his company sent out a $100 gift certificates to all its employees as an added bonus for Canadian Thanksgiving. Leaders received hundreds of thank-you notes from employees all over the country.
Just the other day a client sent me a handwritten note just to let me and my writing partner Adrian Gostick how much their company appreciated our virtual leadership workshop. It was specific and meaningful and made our day.
Finally, last night, a neighbor dropped off some cookies, which lifted all our spirits. It was such a simple act, and yet so thoughtful as we knew someone was thinking of us.
Small Acts of Kindness #SAOK go such a long way to brightening up what has become a very long year. So, here’s my charge: I’m on the lookout for stories of #SAOK. What small act has touched you recently that you could share? Or how have you brightened someone else’s day at work, at home, or school? My goal this week is to flood LinkedIn with positivity, with stories of kindness and caring.
Attach the hash tag #SAOK and let’s see if we can’t start something positive—a gratitude wave that will welcome in American Thanksgiving and the holiday season.
I hope you join me in setting a goal to be a little more kind, a little more grateful, and a lot more of service to our co-workers, friends and family in these coming days.
Looking forward to hearing your stories!
With gratitude,
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